LÉONIE MATTIS (1883-1952), was a painter, born in France, precisaly in Troyes, she received education in Paris, in plastic arts,. She used to be in summer time in Spain, because one of her sister was married with a spanish man. One afternoon, while she painted Alhambra, knowed a spanish man, who was painter too, but he lived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Francisco Villar, dedicated to portraits, with a good fame in Buenos Aires circule 

They got married on 1912 in Buenos Aires in La Merced church. They worked together, painting murals. She was an untired traveller. According her biography, Ignacio Gutierrez Zaldivar, her merit was to make an exhaust study about the place and persons, previusly. She made construction plans and walking along its streets, how it was her job about San Ignacio misions, in province of Misiones.

They got married on 1912 in Buenos Aires in La Merced church. They worked together, painting murals. She was an untired traveller. According her biography, Ignacio Gutierrez Zaldivar, her merit was to make an exhaust study about the place and persons, previusly. She made plans and running along its streets, how it was her job about San Ignacio misions, in province of Misiones

She imagined marriagments in main church, meeting of indian chiefs. As said, Ignacio Gutierrez Zaldivar, she gave magic and a different colour to the dark sight that the writer Leopoldo Lugones wrote about it. She knowed to recreat a life full of prosperity and much more happy from its habitants . In her paints she imagine comon escenes as marriagment, and own activities from  that place

The marriagment established their residence in the city of Turdera, from 20 km from the city of Buenos Aires. Actually the neighbur are tryng to preserv her house as historical heritage.

LEONIE MATTIS , una pintora nacida en Francia, precisamente en Troye, se educo en Paris, en artes plasticas. Solia pasar el verano en España, una de sus hermanas se caso con un español. Una tarde mientras pintaba la Alhambra, conocio a un español, pero radicado en Argentina, Francisco Villar, tambien artista, dedicado a los retratos, con buena fama en los circulos de Buenos Aires. 

Se casaron en 1912 en Buenos Aires en la Iglesia de La Merced, trabajaron juntos haciendo murales. Fue una incansable viajera, Segun su biografo, Ignacio Gutierrez Zaldivar,   su merito estuvo en encarar las obras con un   exhaustivo estudio previo, sobre el lugar y las personas. Haciendo croquis y recorriendo sus calles y senderos, como el caso de su obra sobre la Mision de San Ignacio en Misiones.

Imaginando los casamientos en la iglesia principal, la reunion de caciques. Al decir de Ignacio Gutierrez Zalddivar, le dio una magia y un color distinto a la mirada sombria que le habia dado el escritor Leopoldo Lugones. Supo recrear la vida prospera y mas alegre de sus habitantes. En sus pinturas imagina escenas comunes en el momento historico, casamientos, reuniones de caciques, actividad que, seguramente transcurria en el lugar. 

El matrimonio estableció su residencia en la ciudad de Turderas, a 20km de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, actualmente, los vecinos estan tratando de preservar su casa, y se mantenga como patrimonio historico.

marriagment in front of church

meeting of indian chiefs 





Of course this is not the view that she had met, when she visited the ruins, the vegetation filled the place and the walls, it was giving a horrible look

Panoramic view

Main entrance

Main altar

Viiwe from maiin altar 


ASGAPA una gran muestra del arte paraguayo en varias galerias del 19 al 21/10 

Geneve.com un lugar donde se muestra la fotografia como arte

BELLASARTES.GOV.AR El museo Nacional de Bellas Artes presenta una muestra sobre LEON FERRARI 100 años de su nacimiento. 

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