Ballets was looking for the way to reach  freedom of movements , and  fashion become a very important beacause gave it elements that should allow freedom and at the same time to show that the ballet wanted  to transmit.

At the beginning the ballet no white, no female, just only for men.
But on 1661 XIV Louise decided to create The First Real Academy of Dance, men performed both roles female and male.
From century XVIII the female figure arrive to give flyend  and to be   always in front of the performances. with complex dresses.

But, it was necesary to do more confortable cloth, and Marie Sallés (french dancer 1707-1756)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Sall%C3%A9, began to use elements   as museline for it  ethereal development for romantic ballet. 
Marie Salles

At first the dancers looked like Maria Antonieta, 


El ballet estaba buscando la forma de alcanzar la libertad de movimientos y la moda llego a ser muy importante, porque le dio elementos con los que alcanzaría libertad y al mismo tiempo mostrar lo que le ballet queria transmitir.

En el comienzo no era blanco ni era femenino, solo para hombres.
Pero en 1661 Luis XIV decidiò crear La Primera Real Academia de Danza y los hombres interpretaban ambos roles femeninos y masculinos.
Desde el siglo XVIII las mujeres llegaron al balet para dar vuelo y estar al frente  de las actuaciones.
Pero fue necesario hacer mas confortable la ropa y Marie Sallès (french dancer 1707-1756)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie_Sall%C3%A9, comenzo a usar elementos como muselina para el desarrollo de etereos ballets romanticos.
Al comienzo la bailarinas lucian como Maria Atonieta. 

Marie Sallés

Degas. Las Bailarinas

Ana Pavlova 1905

Tamara Toumanova para Vogue 1932



Opened the doors may 25th of 1908. Tomorrow will be 112 years old and celebrate with AIDA OPERA, the same opera which one began the artist activity, at 8pm Argentina time.

But in this oportunity, the transmission will be joined to JUAN DE VERA THEATRE, from Province of Corrientes, Agentina. A  theatre as magnificent as Colon Theathe, for it acustic and arquitecture. A theatre that opened the doors on May 25th of 1913, so it will be 107 years old, tomorrow. 

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Via de comunicacion fdphotografer@gmail.com
